I am from jet black coal, from squeaky clean Irish spring and many plentiful canning goods.
I am from the smooth, curvy hills and valleys that I would daily explore and make my home.
I am from the golden corn stalks, the blooming Iris’s, and the ever clear running spring, the feathery famosa and the shimmering petals of the mock orange.
I am from melodies of singing strings and many stories of years before, from Emma Cook and Bernice Abel and the York’s and Furr’s.
I am from the light-hearted but strong willed and the ever persevering.
From ’life isn’t fair’ to together we will get through this, life goes on.
I am from the humble morals and values of the church, the daily prayers of thankfulness, and communion with my family.
I'm from the friendly city and the hardworking miners and farmers of Alabama and West Virginia the robust aroma of char-coaled ribs and the warming welcome of morning’s homemade pancakes.
From the ornery antics of my grandmother’s childhood, sticking tacks in the teacher’s tires and scaring the neighbor kids, to the crazy tales of grapevine swinging and near death.
I am from gardens, orchards, fields of lush green grass, the rising and falling creek, the open air of the safeguard of the mountains, and the ever living memories of my heritage.
Wonderful imagery here! I'm looking forward to seeing the movie! :)