This activity was not done in the traditional classroom or in a core subject, but in an evening where the ballroom team invited all cultures and ethnicity's out one evening to learn from each other different types of dance. We had many different nationalities that showed up. When the activity started everyone was asked to stand in a circle to engage in an icebreaker activity, where we would share our names and a couple other things about ourselves. After wards two hats were set aside, we would take turns choosing out of each hat (one being a hat full of ball room dances, the other naming a culture). When a ballroom name was picked we would take 10 -15 min to learn a couple of basics and then we would dance to music that fit the style. Then the other hat was chosen and a culture that was represented in the group would share a dance from their country and pick music and teach it to all the others. I really enjoyed this in activity, it helped to break barriers and make bridges through something that everyone does, and they were free to express themselves and where they were from, while learning about other cultures.
"Principles for culturally Responsive Teaching." Teaching Diverse Learners. Brown University, 2006. Web. 9 Sep 2011. .
Very nice video. Students don't want praise...they want positive feedback and a feeling of self worth. What a great summary.