Sunday, October 9, 2011

Double Entry #12

3 Things I have Learned...

1.  The first thing that I learned or really actually realized was that verbal communication in the classroom can easily set up a hierarchy were the enviroment can easily be turned into teacher centered learning through IRE and subordinace of students.  Realizing this will make me think even harder now how I engage students in verbal communication in the classroom.

2.  I also didnt realized that questioning time was a factor, I think that students should be given time to answer a question, but i never thought about the time factor on which they try to answer.  Thinking about this brings my attention to the idea that if a student gets the answer from an inpatient teacher then why should the student even try to answer the question.

3.  A third idea presented in this aricle that created an awareness for me was the idea that its okay if every question does not have a 'right answer', and that it is okay for students to discuss ideas and possiblitlies leading into furthur questioning that can go deeper than the initial question asked.

2 Things I found interesting...

1.  I found the break down of communication very interesting and how they found that from the start of the classroom that the way you commicate with your students will dertermine how they function and learn in the classroom.

2.  I also liked how in the article they kept comparing the IRE way of teaching in paraelle to a more student centered learning enviorment.

1 Question I have...

1.  How do you as a teacher know when to implement student centered teaching, does teacher centered need to be covered first so students have the tools to focus on a project or question at hand?

By asking an essential question, students must at first rely on their 'Funds of Knowlede' about the subject.  Then they must engage other students to disscuss these ideas and collaborate why this effects them.  I think that by giving students an opportunity to answer big questions can improve their ideas of self, and if implemented right they can learn how to talk and reflect with one another in a respectable way.  By giving these students power in the classroom they can then become more engaged in their learning and can apply the content to themselves and their enviorment.  This also gives them a chance to see how adults communicate in the real world, and that they are not islands unto themselves but a collaborative group that is learing and growing with one another.

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