Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Short Introduction

Ello, I am a first time blogger from fairmont.  I have a great interst in the arts and would like to teach children how to create their own art, and maybe even use in ways that can become productive to themselves and others.  I believe there is not right or wrong way to learn, and that it is an individual process for everyone.  My goals in the classroom would be to teach in a variety of ways to give every students a new way to learn so that they may become more comfortable and acheive high learning potintial.  I have found that I enjoy working with elementry students, and have used a few different methods of getting them to become engaged in the lessons.  Such as having disscusions about art printouts that I thought might be interesting for the children to look at and try to explain.  Using guided questioning and prompting I found that as long as the children were kept on task the dissucsions seemed to be very stimulating. 
A second technique I used involved the students actually moving around and exploring movement before i had them paint.  This particular lesson focused on brushstrokes and how different brushstrokes can convey different moods.  The students enjoyed this lesson for two reasons, they first got to get up out of their chairs and move around, and then they got to use paint. 
I believe that you must keep the lessons interesting to the children so that they actually learn and not just go through motions.  You can have them sit and read and work on worksheets but there is no active learning.  With converstation and even movement i believe children can retain more and actually get something out of a lesson.

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