Papers...we all write them at some point in our lives rather it be in a classroom, or for your job or career. But how engaged are we really when we write these papers, though im sure some enjoy writing especially when its on a topic of interest for the individual. But what happens to the paper when everything is all said and done...not much really I imagine. At least not with past papers I have written, not everyone will find interest in what we have to say. Instead of thinking in ways of many years before with the traditional paper writing, I think that with new technology, its slowly becoming the way of the literate DoDo. With access to the internet and so many visuals filling our senses, why not use these new ways of gaining information and sharing that information in a format that is more friendly to the populace. Digital Stories I think would be just as effient as a paper really, after just making the short video in class I realize that you can put alot of research into just like any paper. Students can not only research their topics, but they can also learn how to use technology that also interest them. I am a big fan of visual aids and feel that they can help many students better understand what they are researching, and can even help convey their thoughts and feeling in ways that words may not be effient enough. So overall again I say yes to Digital Stories, and proper use in the classroom to inhance learning.
My short video.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Unearthing New Ways of Improving Childrens Minds and Psyche
While browsing videos and articles about teaching methods I ran across something called Mind Sound Technology. I havent done much research on it yet, though to me it seems reletivly new in the way they are implementing it. There are a couple videos that talk about it, though they really dont go to much into depth about the subject itself, they seem to concentrate more on the results that have come from practining it.
The first video.
The second video.
The first video.
The second video.
Furthur Analysis of Using Technology to Advance Language Learning
My opionion hasnt necessarily changed but after exploring many sources and opinions of other professionals and students my views have just become a bit clearer on the standpoint I would take on the issue. I really do believe technology in the classroom can maybe not improve language skills but can broaden them. A particular article I found on the internet talks about technology in the classroom and how teachers can use it in more beneficial ways than just writing papers and researching topics. By teaching teachers more about technology and its infnite possiblities as a useful teaching tool, they can expand the 'normal' process of english into a more collaborative way (a new way of writing and a new audiance to think about).
Friday, September 10, 2010
Student and Teacher Perspectives on Using Technology in the Classroom
This video tells about a News Literacy Project, where professional journalist came into the classrooms and talked to students about consuming and processing factual information from false information. The students were all given assigments to do using technology to further their comprehension of the suject.
Review of a counclers blog
After going over a counclers point of view in their blog I saw how versitile it can be for teachers and students. It can be a great to connect to all of your students at once, and give them information that they may have missed in the classroom. Its a great way to get students to collaborate with each other and make sure they all are participating in some way. Placing assignments and other important notices on the blog can also give a heads up to students about missed work, or if they may need to bring something to class. Having the blog also keeps down the need for so much paper and the chance that the students may lose important notes and memos they are sent home with. Or if they do lose them they can have easy access to a new copy if need be.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Copy of Blue Rays Resume
Cassandra Abel
Route 1 Box 234 | friendly city, WV | 26554 | 330.123.4567 |
To be able to be in a postion to be of service to people who may need emotional support and help. To use my skills and techniques to help the individuals work through their problems in a heathly manner and if nessary, re enter them into society as more productive citizens.
2014 | University of Higher Education, MA Art Therapy |
2012 | University of Education, BA In Art Education |
Work Experience
Mostly volunteer work with speacial need children.
Fine Arts: Drawing, Oil and Water media painting, Sculpture, Pottery, and Art History.
Have also worked with elementry children in a public school setting.
Basic Ballroom skills, dances that range from waltz to salsa.
References available upon request.
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